"Doing the Right Thing"

W6833 Industrial Blvd.
Onalaska, WI 54650
(608) 783-6727 x 111
Why ? . . .
7 Rivers Recycling, LLC was founded in 2011 by Hilltopper Refuse & Recycling Service, Inc. and D&M Recycling as a collaboration effort to do more in recycling.
Hilltopper and D&M are multi-generational family owned and operated businesses. Both have over 30 years of experience in recycling. Hilltopper focuses on the collection and transportation of waste and recyclables and the processing/marketing of recyclable containers and fiber. D&M focuses on the recycling of containers and fiber with a permanent drop-off facility and weekend parking lot recycling venues. Both Hilltopper and D&M have had a secondary focus on recycling electronic waste and appliances; that is until now, with the collaborative creation of 7 Rivers Recycling.
With the creation of 7 Rivers Recycling, Brian Tippetts came on board to provide additional
organization and renewed creativity. Brian is a nationally known solid waste
professional with a diverse background in solid waste and recycling
www.linkedin.com/in/briantippetts .
Why the name 7 Rivers Recycling instead of a name like Green Loop or Blue Kitten or ???
The founders realized the area of the 7 Rivers Region was nearly an overlay of the
initial market area to be served by 7 Rivers Recycling and the name just stuck.
Why is 7 Rivers Recycling a for-profit business with such a not-for-profit mission?
7 Rivers Recycling believes in the Triple Bottom Line http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_bottom_line of business and for business economics to be truly sustainable, there needs to be a profit. Furthermore, 7 Rivers Recycling believes taxes should be paid on profits to support governmental services and that the for-profit status gives pride and legitimacy to all of the 7 Rivers Recycling workers.
Why does 7 Rivers Recycling use workers with challenges?
7 Rivers Recycling believes in not only finding value in discarded material resource but in finding value in all humans, particular those that have challenges or may have a sense of being disenfranchised from society.

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