Hilltopper Refuse and Recycling Service, Founder www.hilltopperrefuse.com
D&M Recycling, Founder www.dandmrecycling.com
The Sustainability Institute www.sustaininstitute.com
The Iowa Recycling Association www.iowarecycles.org
National Recycling Coalition www.nrcrecycles.org
SWANA (Solid Waste Association of North America), Brian Tippetts, Past-International President
and Lifetime member www.swana.org
ISWA (International Solid Waste Association), Brian Tippetts US/Canada representative (Vienna 2013 & Sao Paulo 2014) www.iswa.org
MRC (Mattress Recycling Council), registered provider www.mattressrecyclingcouncil.org
LinkedIn group, Mattress Recycling Connection, with 1,000+ members, Owner
LinkedIn group, 7 Rivers Sustainability, with 1,000+ members, Owner
LinkedIn group, La Crosse Area Business Professionals, with 2,000+ members, Owner

"Doing the Right Thing"

W6833 Industrial Blvd.
Onalaska, WI 54650
(608) 783-6727 x 111